The ‘Eureka’ Moment of Mine

Dimas Ajie
3 min readJun 25, 2022
The journey was about to come

Throughout history, many fascinating stories have emerged from brilliant ideas that pop into our heads at unexpected times. One such story is about Archimedes, who came up with a clever way to test the purity of a golden crown for Hiero of Syracuse. While taking a bath one day, Archimedes noticed the water level rising as he got in. Overwhelmed with excitement, he shouted "Eureka!" This marked the beginning of a groundbreaking scientific exploration known today as the Archimedes Principle, which changed physics forever.

Not all "eureka" moments have the same impact on history or society. Sometimes, they bring personal transformations that shape individual lives and minds. Even so, any impact, big or small, is still significant.

One mind-bending idea wouldn't have come to me if I had fallen asleep that night instead of having a deep conversation with myself in front of the mirror. Standing there on a rainy night, memories of my great losses flooded my mind, and I felt abandoned and incredibly lonely in my bedroom.

This wasn't my first heartbreak, but each time it happened, it felt just as painful as the first. The sorrow, the emptiness, and the hopelessness gripped me tightly. Looking into the mirror, I begged for answers about how it all happened. And in a moment of self-reflection, I found them. Tears streamed down my face as I wept for myself. In that fleeting moment, silence filled the room, and I could only hear the echoes of my sobs, soft music playing from my phone, and raindrops tapping on the roof.

Yet, as I considered the dreams and achievements still waiting for me, courage ignited within me. I was determined to prove that I had the strength to overcome my weaknesses, no matter how much I had lost. I refused to let go of the most precious thing in life: hope.

From that moment, I decided to set out on a journey to rediscover myself. Though the person I used to be had faded away, I longed to find a new version of myself. I believed that the most profound way to do that was to venture far from home, deep into my heart.

A surge of determination filled me. Wiping away my tears, I met my own eyes in the mirror. In that powerful connection, I remembered a dream I had put aside—a pilgrimage waiting to be taken.

But this time, it wouldn't be just a regular vacation. No, it would be a true journey—an adventurous expedition that would give me plenty of time for introspection and self-reflection. It would be a profound and immersive experience.

In the peaceful atmosphere of that rainy midnight, inside my room, I looked at the photograph of my beloved family and friends on the wall. They love me, and with that knowledge, I felt a surge of strength within me.

In that moment, I had a realization. I decided to go on a backpacking trip to Bromo. Alone!



Dimas Ajie

Realist-pessimist, mellow dramatic, and hopeless romantic.